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Functions for Starlark to access internals of the apple rule implementations.



dict apple_common.apple_host_system_env(xcode_config)

Returns a dict of environment variables that should be set for actions that need to run build tools on an Apple host system, such as the version of Xcode that should be used. The keys are variable names and the values are their corresponding values.


Parameter Description
xcode_config required
A provider containing information about the Xcode configuration.


unknown apple_common.apple_toolchain()

Utilities for resolving items from the apple toolchain.


DottedVersion apple_common.dotted_version(version)

Creates a new DottedVersion instance.


Parameter Description
version string; required
The string representation of the DottedVersion.


struct apple_common.platform

An enum-like struct that contains the following fields corresponding to Apple platforms:
  • ios_device
  • ios_simulator
  • macos
  • tvos_device
  • tvos_simulator
  • visionos_device
  • visionos_simulator
  • watchos_device
  • watchos_simulator

These values can be passed to methods that expect a platform, like XcodeVersionConfig.sdk_version_for_platform.


struct apple_common.platform_type

An enum-like struct that contains the following fields corresponding to Apple platform types:
  • ios
  • macos
  • tvos
  • visionos
  • watchos

These values can be passed to methods that expect a platform type, like the 'apple' configuration fragment's multi_arch_platform method.



dict apple_common.target_apple_env(xcode_config, platform)

Returns a dict of environment variables that should be set for actions that build targets of the given Apple platform type. For example, this dictionary contains variables that denote the platform name and SDK version with which to build. The keys are variable names and the values are their corresponding values.


Parameter Description
xcode_config required
A provider containing information about the Xcode configuration.
platform required
The apple platform.


Provider apple_common.XcodeProperties

The constructor/key for the XcodeVersionProperties provider.

If a target propagates the XcodeVersionProperties provider, use this as the key with which to retrieve it. Example:

dep = ctx.attr.deps[0]
p = dep[apple_common.XcodeVersionProperties]


Provider apple_common.XcodeVersionConfig

The constructor/key for the XcodeVersionConfig provider.