local repository rules

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The following functions can be loaded from @bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:local.bzl.

Rules for making directories in the local filesystem available as repos.


To use these rules in a module extension, load them in your .bzl file and then call them from your extension's implementation function. For example, to use local_repository:

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:local.bzl", "local_repository")

def _my_extension_impl(mctx):
  local_repository(name = "foo", path = "foo")

my_extension = module_extension(implementation = _my_extension_impl)

Alternatively, you can directly call these repo rules in your MODULE.bazel file with use_repo_rule:

local_repository = use_repo_rule("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:local.bzl", "local_repository")
local_repository(name = "foo", path = "foo")


load("@bazel//tools/build_defs/repo:local.bzl", "local_repository")

local_repository(name, path, repo_mapping)

Makes a local directory that already contains Bazel files available as a repo. This directory should contain Bazel BUILD files and a repo boundary file already. If it doesn't contain these files, consider using new_local_repository instead.


name Name; required

A unique name for this repository.

path String; required

The path to the directory to make available as a repo. The path can be either absolute, or relative to the workspace root.

repo_mapping Dictionary: String -> String; optional

In `WORKSPACE` context only: a dictionary from local repository name to global repository name. This allows controls over workspace dependency resolution for dependencies of this repository. For example, an entry `"@foo": "@bar"` declares that, for any time this repository depends on `@foo` (such as a dependency on `@foo//some:target`, it should actually resolve that dependency within globally-declared `@bar` (`@bar//some:target`). This attribute is _not_ supported in `MODULE.bazel` context (when invoking a repository rule inside a module extension's implementation function).


load("@bazel//tools/build_defs/repo:local.bzl", "new_local_repository")

new_local_repository(name, build_file, build_file_content, path, repo_mapping)

Makes a local directory that doesn't contain Bazel files available as a repo. This directory need not contain Bazel BUILD files or a repo boundary file; they will be created by this repo rule. If the directory already contains Bazel files, consider using local_repository instead.


name Name; required

A unique name for this repository.

build_file Label; optional

A file to use as a BUILD file for this repo. Exactly one of `build_file` and `build_file_content` must be specified. The file addressed by this label does not need to be named BUILD, but can be. Something like `BUILD.new-repo-name` may work well to distinguish it from actual BUILD files.

build_file_content String; optional

The content of the BUILD file to be created for this repo. Exactly one of `build_file` and `build_file_content` must be specified.

path String; required

The path to the directory to make available as a repo. The path can be either absolute, or relative to the workspace root.

repo_mapping Dictionary: String -> String; optional

In `WORKSPACE` context only: a dictionary from local repository name to global repository name. This allows controls over workspace dependency resolution for dependencies of this repository. For example, an entry `"@foo": "@bar"` declares that, for any time this repository depends on `@foo` (such as a dependency on `@foo//some:target`, it should actually resolve that dependency within globally-declared `@bar` (`@bar//some:target`). This attribute is _not_ supported in `MODULE.bazel` context (when invoking a repository rule inside a module extension's implementation function).